Mothers Day Thoughts - Flower Talk

 Happy Mothers Day. When I was a young man   I memorized this "Flower Talk" as part of initiation into DeMolay.
 Flower Talk:
For my purpose now, this altar is dedicated to our mothers, whose love never fails. You may rise to positions of great influence in commercial, political, or professional life, but you can never reach the heights of your mother's secret hopes for you. You may sink into the lowest depths of infamy and degradation, but never below the reach of her love. The memory of it will always stir your heart. There is no man so entirely base, so completely vile, so utterly low, that he does not hold in his heart a shrine sacred and apart for the memory of his mother's love. Were I to draw you a picture of love divine,
Were I to draw you a picture of love divine,
it would not be that of a stately Angel, 
With a form that is full of grace.
But a tired and toil worn mother 
With a grave and tender face.
It was your mother who loved you before you were born--who carried you for long months close to her heart and in the fullness of time took God's hand in hers and passed through the valley of shadows to give you life. It was she who cared for you during the helpless years of infancy and the scarcely less dependent years of childhood. As you have grown less dependent, she has done the countless, thoughtful, trouble-healing, helpful and encouraging things which somehow only mothers seem to know how to do. You may have accepted these attentions more or less as matters of course, and perhaps without conscious gratitude or any expression of your appreciation. You are rapidly approaching the time in life when you will be entirely independent of your mother. The ties with which dependency has bound you to her may be severed as you grow older, but the tie of mother-love can never be broke.
Thinking back upon the years of your life when you have reached the threshold of manhood, your mother might well say in the words of the poet:

My body fed your body, son  But birth’s a swift thing,
Compared to one and twenty years  Of feeding you with spirit’s tears.
I could not make your mind and soul,  But my glad hands have kept you whole.
Your grouping hands   Bound me to life with ruthless bands.
And all my living became a prayer, While all my days built up a stair
For your young feet that trod behind, That you an aspiring way should find,
Think you that life can give you pain Which does not stab me again?
Think you that life can give you shame Which does not make my pride go lame?
And you can do no evil thing Which sears not me with poisoned sting.
Because of all that I have done,
Remember me in life, O son. Keep that proud body fine and fair,
My life is mounted there. For my life make no woman weep,
For my life hold no woman cheap And see you give no woman scorn
For that dark night when you were born.”

Sons - endeavor  to live  to be  worthy of your mother’s love.


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